The ILUKA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (IHA) encompasses the suburb of Iluka, a northern coastal suburb of Perth, Western Australia. All owners of land in Iluka are automatically members of the Iluka Homeowners Association and agree to be bound by the rules of the Association for as long as they own land in the suburb. There is a one off membership fee of $110 which is paid on settlement.


The Beaumaris Beach Homeowners Association was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 on 1st March 1994. The association was established with the primary objective of ensuring that maintenance in the suburb of Iluka continue to be carried out to the high standard originally established by the developer and to determine an appropriate mechanism by which residents could contribute financially through the Specified Area Rate (SAR).

A Steering Committee was initially voted into office to work with the developer’s Project Manager, the owner’s solicitor and the City of Joondalup to clarify the tasks of The Association. The first Committee was elected at the inaugural General Meeting and came into effect on 1st January 1999.

At the 2005 Annual General Meeting it was unanimously agreed to change the associations name to the Iluka Homeowners Association. This was subsequently ratified by the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection in October 2005.


The Associations objectives are as follows:

  1. Manage area maintenance: 
    Maintenance in Iluka is of a higher standard than in most other suburbs. The Association was originally established with the express purpose of managing area maintenance and this continues to be The Associations primary objective. The Association works closely with the City of Joondalup and maintenance contractors to ensure that the standard is maintained and funds raised through the Specified Area Rate (SAR) are appropriately spent. 
  2. Represent the Interests of Iluka: 
    The Association meet regularly with representatives from local and state government and other stakeholders such as Police and the area developer (Satterley’s) in order to ensure that the views of Iluka residents are heard and their interests protected. Members have in the past, and continue to, serve on various local government consultation committees covering a range of issues including security, street-scaping and sustainability. 
  3. Build community spirit: 
    Wherever possible The Association seeks ways to bring the community together by promoting and directly organising community events and by working closely with other community groups within Iluka who share the same goals. 
  4. Assist with management of Covenants 
    The issue of covenants is particularly challenging and The Association seeks to take a consultative approach in their enforcement by encouraging self-regulation, communication and facilitating mediation where the issue of covenants is raised by affected residents. 


The Iluka Homeowners Association is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act which means that the association is a legal entity in its own right and that members or officers are not liable for any debts or liabilities of the association.

The act stipulates that an association must have a constitution. The constitution for the original Beaumaris Beach Homeowners Association was revised during 2005 with a new constitution approved by a unanimous vote by members at the Special General Meeting held during August 2005. The new constitution was formally approved by the WA Department of Employment and Consumer Protection in October 2005.

The Constitution was reviewed in 2019 to comply with the new regulations regarding Associations and submitted to Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Consumer Protection.